Sunday, November 28, 2010

A tooth!

I have been neglecting this blog terribly...just been too busy. But I promise to get to it sometime this week with updates on the last couple weeks.

In the meantime, I need to note an important milestone - Will has his first tooth!

Yesterday he was a bit fussy - didn't eat all that well, definitely did not nurse well. And when I looked I could actually see the top of the front 2 bottom teeth - but with a thin layer of flesh still covering them. And when I touched it - he yelped. But as of this morning, one of them has officially broken through the gums - the right one. I don't think the left has joined it quite yet, but it's obviously on the verge - so in a few more days I may be able to get a picture of his first pearly whites.

Now I just have to hope he doesn't bite me!